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RMIS Detail Results for Instrument 2023-7605



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General Information
Instrument TypeBook-Page:Mortgage #:IndebtednessReception DatePagesDate SignedDoc DateReturn Date
TRUSTEE'S DEED2023-7605 $0.0010/12/20232   
Party Information
Party TypeName
GRANTORBrown, Robert H. Family Trust
GRANTEEDelabarre, Nancy L.
GRANTEETurrel, Peggy B.
UnPlatted Parcel Information
QCodeSectionTownshipRangeQuarterGov. LotParcelConsiderationControl No.Key No.Pin No.Metes & Bounds
 31254NE      S2
 31254SE      N 900'
 6264NE      E of River
Return Address
Return AddressComments
Gaughan & Connealy 4400 College Blvd. Ste 190 Overland Park, KS 66211 
This index information is for search purposes and has been verified by the Recorder of Deeds Office. Only a certified copy of the filed document will guarantee 100% accuracy.